Coal Hut



A Guide to Smokeless Fuel

A Guide to Smokeless Fuel

Posted on 31 Aug 2018 By Coal Hut

Smokeless fuel, one of the trendier product ranges that we offer here at Coal Hut. It can be easy to get confused on which smokeless fuel is right for you. Luckily, we are here to guide you through the process. We’ll provide you with product explanations, detailing their relative strengths and weaknesses and highlighting which home appliances they will perform best in.

Let’s start with our Anthracite Grains and Beans range. The grains are slightly smaller in size compared to the beans, but still perform to the same lofty standards. Both the grains and beans are made of high grade Welsh anthracite and are suitable for use in smoke control areas. With above average heat output and burn time at a competitive price, these guys really do give you a good ‘burn’ for your buck. Anthracite Grains and Beans are best suited for used in gravity fed and hopper fed boilers.

Our Glolite Smokeless Fuel is one of our star buys. Achieving full marks in our heat output and fire life ratings, our value for money manufactured smokeless ovoids burn to a fine residual ash. This product is most suitable for open fires and multi-fuel stoves within smoke control areas. Is there anything Glolite Smokeless Fuel can’t do?

Looking to splash the cash for our most premium product? Homefire Smokeless Fuel is the choice for you. Our premium grade manufactured smokeless ovoid offers you the quality and experience of a traditional fire whilst being suitable for use in smoke control areas. Faultless in terms of heat output, fire life and ash content, Homefire Smokeless Fuel should be used in open fires and multi-fuel stoves.

Large Aga Nuts are medium to large sized pieces of high grade Welsh anthracite. Above average in terms of heat output and fire life although they do produce a higher ash content. Large Aga Nuts should be used in closed appliances such as room heaters, glass fronted stoves, cookers and boilers.

Wonderco Smokeless Fuel is one of our most cost effective smokeless fuel products. It’s a petroleum coke product, producing a high concentrated heat output and a warm glow due to its high fire-bed temperatures. We recommend that it is blended with other ash bearing fuels such as our kiln dried logs or our Glolite Smokeless Fuel.

Glovoids Smokeless Fuel is a stable and safe choice, providing consistent quality, high heat output and long burn time at a competitive price. It can be used as an alternative to premium Esse Nut and should be used in closed appliances.

Similar to Glovoids, Small Esse Nuts burn with a low flame with a high heat output and long burn time. They do, however, produce a higher ash content. Best results when used in closed appliances, Esse Nuts are also suitable for use in smoke control areas.

A smokeless fuel that won’t break the bank, Burnglo Anthracite is great for those on a tight budget. Achieving average ratings, this value for money, standard quality anthracite is suitable for use in closed appliances within smoke control areas.

We hope this guide was helpful. Now, have a look around and take your pick from our smokeless fuel product range.