Coal Hut



Hot Tips for Your Wood Burning Stove

Hot Tips for Your Wood Burning Stove

Posted on 22 Jul 2019 By Coal Hut

There is nothing better than getting the stove on, sitting in front of it and slowly feeling your feet heat up on a cold winter’s night… However, this can sometimes be hard to achieve if you keep struggling to get the stove lit up in the first place!

We have all been there; hovering over the stove and getting frustrated because you can’t seem to figure out why it isn’t lighting. Don’t fret, because this blog gives you five hot tips about your woodburning stove to help you!

  1. A Squeaky Clean Stove 

Make sure before you start a fire that you remove any soot from your stove and flue pipe (do this once a year.) By doing this, it means that your wood stove can get warmer

Even if the layer of soot is a few millimetres it will have an impact on how heat is conducted.

(If you use pinewood then we recommend you clean your wood stove out more than once a year as it produces more soot than any other types of wood.)

  1. Pick the Right Type of Wood

It’s important that you pick the right type of wood for your wood stove because;

  1. Not all woods are suitable for burning in a stove 

  2. Different types of wood provide different levels of heat

Hardwoods will provide more heat than the same volume of softwoods, but, per kilogram, they will give off the same heat. If you want the best heat and efficiency output then we recommend a mixture of both soft and hardwoods. You can start off with just softwoods when it isn’t as cold, and further into the winter increase the fire by adding logs of hardwood. 

  1. Don’t Just Use One Log! (and stack them loosely)

When you are starting your fire, you should start with a handful of logs and stack them in a cross pattern so plenty of air can flow in between each log. By creating this space, you are allowing for the flames to produce more heat and, in turn, a longer burn time. This then results in increasing the efficiency of the number of logs you use. 

When you are adding logs to the fire, don’t just use one because that log will die out. Instead, if you place two or three on at the same time, it allows for a bigger surface area, which means the logs can keep their burning process going. 

  1. Smokey Chimney? Good or Bad? 

When you light your fire, we suggest that you check how much smoke is coming out of your chimney. If there are small amounts of smoke then don’t worry; that’s good. You don’t want large amounts of smoke coming out of your chimney; this is because the smoke you see actually contains high energy levels which weren’t burned. 

  1. Where Can I Get Wood For My Stove?

At Coal Hut, we offer heat logs and kiln dried hardwood logs which are perfect for your open fires, all stoves, log burners and fire pits. 

 We offer UK delivery within 5 DAYS! So go to our website today and stock up on a few things for the winter months.